Supercharged Python testing workflow, guaranteed to save you hours

Supercharged Python testing workflow, guaranteed to save you hours

May 4, 2020

When writing unit tests in Python you may find yourself switching back and forth between your code editor window and terminal to re-run your tests.

You can avoid this by using inotify. In short, it can re-run your tests when you change any Python files in your project. Here are some little scripts to help you do that.

First, install:

sudo apt install -y inotify-tools

If you're using bash, add this to your ~/.bashrc and restart your terminal:

function ptw() {
   pytest $1
   while find -name "*.py" | inotifywait -e close_write --fromfile - ;
       do pytest $1

If you're using Fish, add to ~/.config/fish/ and restart your terminal:

function ptw
   pytest $argv
   while find -name "*.py" | inotifywait -e close_write --fromfile - ;
       pytest $argv

Now instead of running your tests the regular way:


Run them like so:


When the tests finish you'll see the process does not exit, and when you edit a .py file in your project the tests will automatically re-run.

Over the course of your day this will yield significant time savings!

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